Throughout the year Perth Amboy has exciting festivals at the waterfront, in our City’s beautiful parks and at our beautiful churches. Perth Amboy Festivals are known for their delicious food and great music. These events are free and open to the public. Below see the list of summer festivities including festivals, fireworks, carnival and music series that have announced dates so far.
The Greek Festival in Perth Amboy is from May 31, June 1 and June 2 hosted by St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on the Perth Amboy Waterfront Wisteria St and Sadowski Parkway featuring music, food and drinks.
The Perth Amboy Puerto Rican Festival is June 7, 8 and 9th in Rudyk Park featuring music, food and rides.
The Perth Amboy Police Athletic League Carnival will be June 12-16 along Sadowski Parkway with amazing rides and food.

Perth Amboy Fireworks and Festival will be July 3. The festival from 3-9:30pm will feature food trucks, bands and artisans. Fireworks at 9:20pm.
The Perth Amboy Dominican Festival is August 9, 10 and 11 on La Playita (the beach) in Wilentz Field on 2nd St featuring music, food and drinks.

Salsa by the Bay, a new music and dance series by Perth Amboy Artworks, features free 1 hour Salsa dance lessons and 2 hours of open dancing to live Salsa and Chef DeluxeMe Food Truck on June 28, July 26 and August 23 in Bayview Park from 5:30-8:30pm.
Summer Concert Series has announced dates at the Historic Perth Amboy Ferry Slip 300 Front St on June 23, june 29, July 13, July 27, August 3 and August 17. All concerts are from 7-9pm and free and open to the public.

Concerts by the Bay has been announced there will be five Sunday concerts this summer, starting on July 7th, then July 14th, 21st, 28th and August 4th at 3:00 PM in Bayview Park. Concerts by the Bay features the Garden State Symphonic Band, a musical ensemble modeled after the Sousa Band of the early 20th Century who maintain the American tradition of the professional concert band with conductor Todd Nichols, Assistant Conductor Ginny Johnston, and Vocalist Rick Bossman. Concerts are 2 hours with an intermission.

updated July 3