2020 Census Reports Perth Amboy Population 55,436

Perth Amboy 2020 Population

The government released 2020 census results and reported that the Perth Amboy population count is 55,436, a 9% growth rate. It is now the largest most densely populated City in Middlesex County, surpassing New Brunswick. The Perth Amboy population is reportedly 78% Latino, 13.9% White, 8% Black and 1% Asian. Other population data include 28.7% owner occupied housing,  70% high school graduates and 15% have a higher degree, median household income $52,563, median household size 3. Also, 80% have a language other than English spoken at home and 40% of residents are foreign born. There are 59% of residents with a broadband internet subscription and 85.9% with a computer at home. 18.7% of residents under 65 are without health insurance. Perth Amboy is reported as having a 19% poverty rate (state is 9% and Middlesex county is 7%). You can explore more 2020 US Census Quick Facts about Perth Amboy with this link here.

The last census in 2010 reported the Perth Amboy population was at 50,827. The Perth Amboy 2019 population census estimate had been reported at 51,390.

The NJ population increased by 6% to 9.3 million and allows the state to keep all 12 of its Congressional representatives. The state is 51.9% white, 21% Latino, 12.4% Black and 10.2% Asian.

The overall US population grew by 7.4% to reach 331 million. The Census reported a more diverse US population, with the largest increases in the Latino and Asian populations. The U.S. Latino population increased 23% from 16.3% to 18.7%. The US Asian population grew by 35% to 6%. The US Black population grew by 6% to 12.4%. For the first time in US history the white population fell, an 8.6% decrease and is now at 57.8%.
