Are you interested in working to help improve Perth Amboy’s Downtown? The Perth Amboy BID (Business Improvement District) is recruiting new members to serve on its board, whose mission is to encourage business activity and make the City’s main shopping and dining district more appealing and welcoming to residents and visitors. BID Board Chairman Barry Rosengarten said, “We are recruiting board members who are ready to provide their creative ideas and take positive steps that will help us transform Perth Amboy’s downtown.” Possible enhancements used to stimulate downtown revitalization may include things like murals and other public art, street performers, blogging, concerts, outdoor dining, pop up park lets and enhancements to parks, popup galleries, popup shops, artisan vending, food trucks, as well as lighting and street furniture and other creative solutions.
Perth Amboy’s business community members are needed to fill two, three-year board positions to oversee the City’s BID, the Business Improvement District. Also, the BID is asking Perth Amboy residents to also complete the candidate application form to fill two “At Large” positions. Community or “At Large” members serve for one year terms but are also voting members of the BID.
The BID Candidate Application form is available on the city’s website (on the Business Improvement District page) and at BID office in Perth Amboy City Hall at 260 High St. Candidate applications are due on Tuesday, Feb. 25.