Perth Amboy Artworks Stay Home Fest 2 is Aug 8 at 5pm

Perth Amboy Artworks Stay Home Fest

Perth Amboy Artworks Stay Home Fest 2 is Saturday August 8 from 5pm-7:30pm and will feature 7 artists performing live on the Perth Amboy Artworks facebook page. Featured artists include Proper (Folk), Deivito (Spanglish Sea Shanties), Minio Class (Modern & Latin Jazz), Carlos & Cindy (Rock, Salsa, Soul), Miski Dee Rodriguez (Latinx Power Pop Punk), Jekssaira (Latinx Crooner.) Perth Amboy Artworks, the nonprofit which has been hosting the Live at the Ferry Slip Music for the past 4 years in Perth Amboy, is instead this year offering virtual concerts during the pandemic.  Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders through a grant award from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund. Watch the videos live or come back to see them later.
