Shopping in Perth Amboy for Thanksgiving featuring Joe’s Meat Market

Shopping in Perth Amboy for Thanksgiving

Joe’s Meat Market at 437 Smith St  (732) 442 4660 is known for its authentic Polish smoked sausages and meats with no preservatives. For Thanksgiving, you can get a smoked Whole Maple & Cherry Wood Smoked Turkey. It is very delicious. Joe’s fresh smoked turkeys are 17 – 22 pounds. Place your Thanksgiving orders by Thursday Nov 16 for pickup on Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, November 22 before 7:00 pm. A $25 deposit is required.

Joe’s also has Whole Fresh Turkey, Fresh Turkey Wings, Fresh Ham, Smoked Ham, Filet Mignon, Prime Rib, Crown Roast, Whole Smoked Salmon, Stuffed Cabbage and much more.
